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Marcelo Sena was born in 1980 in Bahia, Brazil, where he lived until he was 18 years old. In Sergipe he attended college and created a dance company. He resides in Pernambuco since 2003.
Dance, music and audiovisual artist. Graduated in Journalism, with specialization in Dance from Faculdade Angel Vianna/Compassos Cia. de Danças. He is the founder, director and artist of Cia. Etc., a company created in 2000.
His training in dance was based on contemporary dance techniques, classical ballet, modern dance, traditional dances and somatic education. He has a specialization in Dance from Faculdade Angel Vianna / Compassos Cia. de Danças. Dance teacher in the courses of the Acupe Training for Researcher-Performer project (2011, 2013, 2015, 2018 and 2020). He was co-founder and coordinator of the Movimento Dança Recife (Recife Dance Movement) between 2004 and 2018. He was pedagogical coordinator of the Contemporary Dance Course, by the Qualifica Pernambuco Program, of the Youth and Employment Secretariat / PE and Experimental Group. Coordinator of the projects “Pele e Ossos Practical Research”, “10 Anos de Cia. Etc.”, of the meeting “Conexões Criativas 2: A Dança pela Olhar do Vídeo”, of the “Projeto Plantando Dança Etc.” (dance classes in Camaragibe-PE), from “Cia. Etc. 15 Years – Latin America Repertoire” and the “Audiodança Research”. He was assistant director of “Fervo” (Valéria Vicente) and artistic producer of Pequena Subversion (Valéria Vicente / Itaú Cultural). He was artist-researcher in the project “Audiodança: A Ventura do Corpo no Som que Dança” (2014) and “Corpo Lúdico: The make-saying of dance in the children’s universe” (2017).
He directed the shows O Homem Que Amava Rapazes (The Man Who Loved Boys), Imagens Não Explodidas (Non-Exploded Images), Dark Room, Os Superficials (The Superficials) and Tandan!, the latter having had a national tour on the 2019 Palco Giratório, by SESC Brasil.
He had his musical training between 1994 and 1997, with courses in classical piano, popular piano and keyboard with Amélia Virgínia and Musical Theory with Lindimar Oliveira. In 1999 he entered the Conservatory of Music in Sergipe, taking a course in classical piano. Between 1995 and 1997 he is part of the Banda Kanabys (BA). He has developed research and creations in the relationship between music and dance, such as the research “Audiodança: A ventura do Corpo no Som que Dança” (Audiodance: The Venture of the Body in the Sound that Dances”, the course “Construindo Uma Dança a Partir das Sonoridades” (Building a dance from sounds) and the composition of soundtracks for spectacles and videodances.
Maintains a permanent work of creations and researches in videodance with Cia. Etc. Participated in the artistic residency in videodance CultDance (Brasília/DF) in 2014 and 2019, coordinated the meeting “Conexões Criativas 2: A Dança pelo Olhar do Vídeo” (Creative Connections 2: A Dance by the Look of Video), with videodance artists from different regions of the country. Coordinated and was a researcher of the projects “Contribuições entre o Corpo e o Vídeo – Manutenção de Pesquisa da Cia. Etc.” (“Contributions between the Body and the Video – Research Maintenance by Cia. Etc.), “Sobreposição: Estéticas convergentes do corpo na história da dança e do cinema” (Overlapping: Converging aesthetics of the body in the history of dance and cinema) e “Vídeo, Clipe e Dança” (Music, Video and Dance). He directed the videodances Rebu (co-directed with Breno César) and co-directed with Filipe Marcena created Danse Macabre, Dorival, Fenda (Cleft), ZAZ and Queda (Fall).
Bachelor in Social Communication, with specialization in Journalism, from the Federal University of Sergipe (2001). He has been dedicated to studies on dance criticism and the production and editing of podcasts.
In his graduation work, he created the “Arquivo Cultura” website, with interviews with artists. Between 2003 and 2004 he published the dance fanzine FOCO, maintained the electronic dance magazine “Movimento em Revista”, between 2007 and 2009. He was editor of the Movimento Dança Recife website, from 2004 to 2018, with information on public policies for Dance in Recife.
He was a researcher at Acervo RecorDança between 2003 and 2011, integrating the projects about the dance history of Recife.
He was editor of the website and podcast “Contracorpo: Conversando com Dança”, specialized in dance, with reviews and interviews with dance artists, was creator and editor of the dance news podcast “Podcast Dancidade”, participated as an interviewer of the podcast “Quarta Parede” between 2017 and 2019, he guided the research of the podcast of the Collection Record “Histórias ao Pé do Ouvido”, where he also participated as presenter and editor. Online pharmacy ciprofloxacin 500mg price no prescription.
As a critic, he was invited by the Bahia International Dance Platform / RedSudamericana de Danza, Dance Economy Seminar (2009), 13º Janeiro de Grandes Espetáculos, Festival Vale Dançar – SESC Petrolina, I Mostra de Artes Cênicas de Triunfo and Mostra Estadual de Teatro e Dança da Paraíba (2005 and 2019). He participated in the project “Crítica com a Dança” (Criticism as Dance), by journalist and critic Joubert Arrais (CE), through the Klauss Vianna Funarte Dance Award.